
We have the resources to help your business

A qualified and educated labor force plays a critical role in the economic development and viability of our community. A capable workforce is necessary for businesses to succeed and grow. WorkSource Cobb/CobbWorks helps ensure an adequate supply of skilled workers while supporting the recruitment needs of businesses. Our mission is to provide and promote employment and training opportunities that strengthen our workforce.

Business Services

WorkSource Cobb/CobbWorks provides a multitude of services to support your business needs....

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Labor Market Information

Labor market information can provide your company with data to help identify job trends, wages, unemployment and changes in the economy to better help your company thrive.

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Small Business Resources

We support our local small businesses. We have several resources available to you to help your small business succeed.

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Mobile Career Center

Our Mobile Career Center can help your business with your hiring and training needs.

"In the brief time I have been volunteering with the GED program, I have seen real changes in some of the students' lives. Helping to give these students another chance has been both rewarding and fulfilling."

- Alice N., volunteer tutor

"With the assistance from WorkSource Cobb/CobbWorks scholarship I have completed my first semester at Chattahoochee Technical College. The scholarship gave me an opportunity to purchase my books and pay fees. I am thankful for WorkSource Cobb/CobbWorks and plan to continue my commitment to earn my college degree."

- A. Wilson

"This is a program that teaches and inspires. It recognizes the special needs of those who have decided to take full advantage of a second chance."

- Ted M., volunteer tutor

"Support given to The Center for Family Resources' GED program has allowed the program to grow tremendously. By supplying materials, tutors and testing fee scholarships the literacy program has helped over 300 students to earn their GED and countless others raise their literacy levels."

- Gail F., CFR GED Instructor

" I am overwhelmed with positive feelings after leaving Cobb Works today. The staff is beyond patient and supportive...It is not every day that you witness exceptional customer service from everyone with whom you come in contact. I commend you and your staff for placing (your staff) in that position where they can guide and help people who may be down on their luck and seeking a new job or career."

- Michelle B., customer

"Very professional, friendly, knowledgeable and extremely prompt with assisting me with furthering my career in the Atlanta area in regards to my expertise. I totally appreciate all the help greatly.

- Nelson, customer

"Thank you for helping me with my résumé. My previous résumé failed to properly display my experience and education in a way that would grab the attention of employers. I now feel more confident and excited about applying for positions."

- Terry, customer

"Very pleasant customer service at the door with wonderful smiles."

- T. King, customer