WEBINAR: Effective Interviewing Techniques During COVID-19

Date: 9/21/20 11:00 AM - 9/21/20 12:30 PM

Location: webinar ,

Kim the Career Coach will help you navigate this new era in job search. COVID has impacted every area of our lives, including our job search. It has also changed what employers are looking for in applicants and how they interview. If you have not adjusted your resume or interview style to what employers need today, you will be left behind.

In this 2-part webinar series, she will discuss strategic ways to get your resume found by recruiters and how to excel at phone and video interviews. Job search today is no harder than it was eight months ago; it is just different. Understanding these differences, embracing the changes, being determined, and educating yourself on best practices will be the keys to finding your next job.

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