Welcome to CobbWorks

As Cobb County's American Job Center, CobbWorks provides access to a system of employment and education services for our community. In an increasingly complex workforce and economy, people sometimes need guidance and assistance in managing their career development, particularly when challenged with unexpected events. CobbWorks provides workforce services that assist people in helping themselves and their families.

CobbWorks Overview: Who We Are, What We Do and Who We Serve

PowerUP! Pre-Apprenticeship

Looking for skills training, certifications, and apprenticeship opportunities? We can help get you started.

Join Our B.O.S.S. Young Professionals Program Today!

Our B.O.S.S. Young Professionals Program offers an array of services for eligible young adults from educational support to career preparation. If you want to make your future brighter, apply for our B.O.S.S. program today!